Fine & Performing Arts


The Harrison Central School District's Fine and Performing Arts Department affords all students the opportunity to study music, visual art, dance, and theatre, providing every child with experiences that promote life-long participation and enjoyment of the arts.  We believe that the arts possess a unique ability to enlighten perspectives, expand horizons and enrich, enhance and embolden the human experience.

Through the arts, students learn to think creatively, take risks and discover a sense of self. Through the arts, students explore their passions and in the process realize the value of partnerships in creative endeavors. Through the arts, students recognize, celebrate, and develop deep respect for diversity, an ideal that transfers to all aspects of an individual’s life. Student learning in the arts is rigorous and built on meaningful and authentic experiences that reflect the mindful and emotional investment of collaboration between educator and learner. From knowing and understanding to pursuing the highest form of the art, the classroom environment emphasizes differentiated instruction to support each individual’s artistic aspirations.

The Harrison Fine and Performing Arts Department embraces the cooperative work of parents, teachers, students, and the community. We are invested in a collaborative approach, working in concert with one another to support student development and success in the arts from kindergarten through graduation and beyond.

Our Fine and Performing Arts programs align to the new New York State Standards for the Arts, which are designed on the following artistic processes : Creating, Presenting/Performing/Producing, Responding and Connecting. The NYS Standards for the Arts includes five disciplines, and our arts curricula proudly provides students with opportunities to experience each: Music, Visual Art, Media Art, Dance and Theater.



Elementary students are immersed in both visual art and general music in grades K-5. Throughout their artistic education in elementary school, students are exposed to the elements of art and music, experience a wide and varied repertoire of artists, and gain authentic artistic opportunities through performance-based assessments and community presentations such as annual winter and spring concerts.

Every elementary child is provided with the opportunity to showcase their artwork to the school and local communities, participate in music festivals sponsored by the New York State School Music Association, and  take part in a musical theater production which incorporates Broadway acting, singing, and dancing. The course offerings by grade level are listed below:

  • Kindergarten-Grade 2: Visual Art & General Music
  • Grade 3: Visual Art & General Music (Recorder Method)
  • Grade 4: Visual Art, General Music (Choral Emphasis), and option to begin Instrumental Studies in Orchestra or Band
  • Grade 5: Visual Art, General Music (Choral Emphasis), and Instrumental Studies in Orchestra or Band



Students at the Louis M. Klein Middle School have the opportunity to study visual art, chorus, band, percussion, orchestra, or general music. The middle school experience provides students with the opportunity to become more independent learners, taking advantage of the many available experiences that will help to shape them into soloists and innovative artists. Our middle school students gain authentic artistic opportunities through performance-based assessments and community presentations such as annual winter and spring concerts. Additional performance opportunities for the community are intertwined in the curricula, inclusive of working in concert with Harrison High School artists.

Our middle school students are provided with the opportunity to showcase their work to the school and local communities, participate in music festivals sponsored by the New York State School Music Association, and take part in a spring musical theater production. The course offerings by grade level are listed below:

  • Grade 6: Visual Art, Digital Design, General Music, Chorus, Band, and Orchestra
  • Grade 7: Visual Art, Digital Design, General Music, Chorus, Band, and Orchestra
  • Grade 8: Visual Art, Elective Visual Art, Digital Design, Chorus, Band, Orchestra, and Theater



Harrison High School's Fine and Performing Arts programs prepare students for life-long appreciation of the arts and/or the ability to pursue professional studies in the arts in college programs. Our arts pathways enable students to enter the IB program in grade 11, which consists of offerings in Dance, Theater, Visual Art, and Music.

Students enrolled in studio art, studies in visual arts, ceramics, and drawing and painting display their work throughout the community, as well as participate in local competitions and gallery shows.

Students enrolled in music, dance or theater are provided with solo and ensemble performance opportunities in annual winter and spring concerts, in addition to studies in workshops conducted by working professionals. Our high school students participate in several music festivals sponsored by the New York State School Music Association. Additionally, students may choose to participate in national adjudicated arts festivals at sites held around the country. A fall drama, one-act festival, student-directed drama, and spring musical theatre production are all accessible to students, regardless of the artistic discipline studied. Course offerings are listed below:

  • Grade   9: Dance, Visual Art (Studio in Art), Theater, Music (Chorus, Band, Orchestra, Percussion), MyTunes
  • Grade 10: Dance, Visual Art (Drawing & Painting, Ceramics), Digital Design I, Theater, Music (Chorus, Band, Orchestra, Percussion), Music Analysis
  • Grade 11: IB Dance, Visual Art (Drawing & Painting, Ceramics), IB Visual Art, Digital Design II, IB Theater, Music (Chorus, Band, Orchestra, Percussion), IB Music
  • Grade 12: IB Dance, Visual Art (Drawing & Painting, Ceramics), IB Visual Art, Digital Design III, IB Theater, Music (Chorus, Band, Orchestra, Percussion), IB Music



Matthew Royal
Director of Fine and Performing Arts
Harrison Central School District
50 Union Ave
Harrison, NY 10528
(914) 630-3043