LMK Transition - Parent Letter & Orientation Video

January 2023

Dear LMK Families,

I wish you a Happy New Year and hope everyone had a wonderful break. Our transition team is excited to welcome you and your child to the Louis M. Klein Middle School. We will work with your family during the next few months to ensure a smooth transition to middle school. The grade 5-6 transition process has begun and will continue into the spring and summer through the opening of the 2023-2024 school year.

The 5th grade parent orientation meeting will be held on Thursday, January 26th, at 7:00 PM in the LMK Performing Arts Center Auditorium. This is one of the first opportunities for you to learn about LMK  Middle School.  The transition meeting will provide insight into the middle school child and an overview of various aspects of our school, including the International Baccalaureate Middle Years Program. We also will explain the different services available and introduce you to the student activities at LMK.

Transition team members work with the four elementary schools to provide 5th graders with information about our school. Our transition team consists of assistant principals, guidance counselors, supervisors/directors of departments, psychologists, and me. Please know that we are all here to answer any questions about the transition process.

The middle school program offers students a well-rounded academic program aligned with the International Baccalaureate Middle Years Program framework. Students take English Language Arts, mathematics, science, social studies, and world language. In addition, students take physical education every other day and ten-week daily courses in art, information literacy (grade 6), health (grades 7 & 8), digital design, and technology design. 

New York State sets middle school course requirements for students.  These courses include new choices for your child's academic program. Two areas of choice for sixth graders are music and world language. Information regarding options in these areas will be presented at the meeting on January 26th and during information sessions at each elementary school. After the January 26th meeting, you will receive an email with a digital form that includes detailed information regarding your child’s music and world language choices. Please be sure you have an active email on file with the district so that you can complete the form.

I look forward to seeing you at the January 26th orientation meeting.


Scott Fried

Grades 5-6 Transition Team
Assistant Principals: Jennifer Cipolla, Scott Spector
Director of Guidance: Kelly Malczewski
Guidance Counselors: Lisa Cannistraci, Mark DiMondo, Kristin Kearney
School Psychologists: Deanna D’Onofrio, Dr. Amy Price, Alexa Brennan