Principal's Message: Music Choice 2024
Dear 5th Grade Families,
We are currently planning your child’s 6th-grade program for the 2024-25 school year. One New York State core requirement is that students receive music instruction during their middle school experience. It is also part of the arts sequence in the International Baccalaureate Middle Years Program.
Louis M. Klein Middle School offers band, orchestra, chorus, and general music. All sixth and seventh graders must be enrolled in one music class. They may not be enrolled in more than one due to scheduling restraints. Our music classes meet one period every other day for the entire school year. As in elementary school, band and orchestra include small group lessons scheduled during one additional class period each six-day cycle. These lessons are scheduled on a flexible and rotating basis. Band, chorus, and orchestra students participate in winter and spring concerts and occasional community or school events.
The choice of music class is an important one. Once the school year begins, we cannot change your music choice. Please feel free to contact your elementary school music teacher if you have any questions. Your child’s music teacher can guide the best choice for your child. Band and orchestra students should continue studying the instrument they played in elementary school. Students who did not participate in band or orchestra are welcome to begin in middle school.
Please click the link below to choose a sixth-grade music class. This form is due by March 8th. It is important that we receive this information in a timely manner so we can schedule your child for the 2024-25 school year. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact one of our school guidance counselors at 630-3057, Mr. Matthew Royal, Director of Fine and Performing Arts, at 630-3043, or me at 630-3031.
Scott Fried Matthew Royal
Principal Director of Fine and Performing Arts
Contact the School
Scott Fried, Principal
Scott Spector, Assistant Principal
Jennifer Cipolla, Assistant Principal
Joann Sachs, Principal's Secretary
Christina Bruno, Main Office Secretary
TBD, Main Office Secretary
Attendance: 914-630-3041
Susan Fiorenza, Nurse
Documents & Resources
- Letters from the Principal
- Student Drop Off/Pick Up
- Supply Lists
- Parents Bill of Rights
- Student Code of Conduct and Handbook
- LMK Middle School Breakfast & Lunch Menu
- Use of Facilities Request
- Working Papers
- Clubs and Activities
- Harrison Education Foundation